Hello DLWorld 专注



 IO从文件系统到设备在Linux中的数据流: io-subsystem


  • 内核,内核事件日志接口和
  • blktrace,将内核事件trace转成
  • blkparse,格式化事件信息并存储到文件
  • blkiomon,基于blktrace数据监控块设备IO,定时生成统计信息


  1. 安装blktrace工具
# yum install blktrace
  1. 挂载debugfs
# mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug


  1. 在线trace
# blktrace -d /dev/sda -o - | blkparse -i -
  8,0    3        1     0.000000000   697  G   W 223490 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    3        2     0.000001829   697  P   R [kjournald]
  8,0    3        3     0.000002197   697  Q   W 223490 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    3        4     0.000005533   697  M   W 223498 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    1       11     0.009507758     0  C   W 223490 + 56 [0]
  8,0    1       12     0.009538995   697  G   W 223546 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    1       13     0.009540033   697  P   R [kjournald]
  8,0    1       14     0.009540313   697  Q   W 223546 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    1       15     0.009542980   697  D   W 223546 + 8 [kjournald]
  8,0    1       16     0.013542170     0  C   W 223546 + 8 [0]
CPU1 (8,0):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:           7,      128KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:        7,      128KiB
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:       11,      168KiB
 Read Merges:            0               Write Merges:           25
 Read depth:             0        	 Write depth:             9
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0
CPU3 (8,0):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:           1,       28KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:        1,       28KiB
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:        0,        0KiB
 Read Merges:            0               Write Merges:            6
 Read depth:             0        	 Write depth:             9
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0
Total (8,0):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:          11,      168KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:       11,      168KiB
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:       11,      168KiB
 Read Merges:            0               Write Merges:           31
 Read depth:             0        	 Write depth:             9
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           3
Throughput (R/W): 0KiB/s / 832KiB/s
Events (8,0): 1,152 entries
Events (8,0): 89 entries, 0 skips


# btrace /dev/sda
# blktrace /dev/sda /dev/sdb
# blkparse sda sdb



短格式 长格式 描述
-A hex-mask -set-mask=hex-mask filter mask设置为ex-mask
-a mask -act-mask=mask 当前filter增加mask
-b size -buffer-size=size  指定事件缓冲区大小(KB)
-d dev -dev=dev 添加dev作为trace的设备
-I devs file -input-devs=devs file 添加文件中的设备进行trace(每个设备一行)
-k -kill 杀掉正在运行的trace
-n num-sub -num-sub=num-sub 使用的缓冲区数量
-l –listen 网络监听模式(blktrace server)
-h hostname –host=hostname 网络客户端模式,连接给定的host
-p number –port=number 使用的网络端口,默认8462
-s –no-sendfile 客户端不使用sendfile()传输数据
-o basename -output=basename 输出文件名,默认device.blktrace.cpu
-D dir –output-dir=dir 加到输出文件之前
-r rel-path -relay=rel-path 指定debugfs的挂载点
-V -version 版本
-w seconds -stopwatch=seconds 运行时间

Filter Mask

  • barrier
  • complete
  • fs,文件系统请求
  • issue
  • pc,设备请求
  • queue
  • read
  • requeue
  • sync
  • write
  • notify,trace信息
  • drv_data,


  • 文件系统,fs请求
  • SCSI命令,pc请求




短格式 长格式 描述
-b batch -batch=batch Standard input read batching
-i file -input=file Specifies base name for input files - default is device.blktrace.cpu. As noted above, specifying -i - runs in live mode with blktrace (reading data from standard in).
-F typ,fmt -format=typ,fmt Sets output format
-f fmt -format-spec=fmt (See section 4.3 for details.)
The -f form specifies a format for all events
The -F form allows one to specify a format for a specific event type. The single-character typ field is one of the action specifiers in section 4.3.2
-m -missing Print missing entries
-h -hash-by-name Hash processes by name, not by PID
-o file -output=file Output file
-O -no-text-output Do not produce text output, used for binary (-d) only
-d file -dump-binary=file Binary output file
-q -quiet Quite mode
-s -per-program-stats Displays data sorted by program
-t -track-ios Display time deltas per IO
-w span -stopwatch=span Display traces for the span specified - where span can be:
end-time - Display traces from time 0 through end-time (in ns) or
start:end-time - Display traces from time start through end-time (in ns).
-v -verbose More verbose marginal on marginal errors
-V -version Display version



blkiomon -I interval [ -h file ] [ -b file ] [ -d file ] [ -D file ] [ -Q path_name -q msg_queue_id -m msg_id ] [ -V ]


% blktrace /dev/sdw -a issue -a complete -w 3600 -o - | blkiomon -I 10 -h -

Trace Actions

短格式 长格式 描述
C complete 之前发出的请求完成情况,输出包含请求sector和大小,成功或失败
D issued 存在block layer queue或io scheduler的请求发到驱动
I inserted 从scheduler到内部queue的请求,后面被驱动使用
Q queued 在特定位置的queue io
B bounced bio的数据页不能被硬件访问,需要拷贝到lower内存,会影响性能
M back merge 结束边界,scheduler可以合并
F front merge 开始边界
G get request 发送任何请求到块设备,需要先分配请求结构体
S sleep 没有可用的请求结构体,需要等待释放
P plug io在之前空的设备队列上,数据在需要之前plug
U unplug 一些请求数据已经在设备的队列上,开始发送请求到驱动。如果超时或一定数量的请求加入队列,自动unplug
T unplug due to timer 如果plugging到队列的io请求没人处理,一段时间后自动unplug
X split raid或device mapper设置时,incoming io可能跨越设备或内部zone,需要切成更小的块。会引起性能问题
A remap stacked设备incoming io映射到下面的设备


字段 描述
a Action,对应Trace Action
c CPU id
C Command
d RWBS,1-3个字符,Read/Write/Barrier/Synchronous
D 7个字符,包含事件设备的主、次设备号
e 错误码
m 次设备号
M 主设备号
n 块数量
N 字节数
p 进场ID
P 显示包数据
s Sequence number
S Sector number
t 时间戳,纳秒
T 时间戳,秒
u 微妙
U 整形负载


-f "%-12C"


"%D %2c %8s %5T.%9t %5p %2a %3d "
major,minor cpu seq second.nano-second pid action rwbs
